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Louise is a Toronto-based writer and author.
Her work has appeared in The Globe & Mail, The Huffington Post, Darling Magazine, and more. Featured by Notable as a “Young Professional to Watch,” she is a graduate of the Richard Ivey School of Business and Harvard University. Louise has studied and worked in Hong Kong, Switzerland, New York, and Boston.
She’s a curious creature with an old soul who sends snail mail, collects typewriters, drinks too much coffee, and hopes to visit every quirky bookshop on her bucket list. Writing has always been her constant in an inconstant world, and eventually, it became a calling that couldn’t be ignored.
After six years in marketing at Elizabeth Arden in Geneva and Manhattan, Louise took a left-turn in her career to follow her dream of becoming a writer.
BEHIND THE RED DOOR is her first book.

Media Kit
Headshots, official bio, book blurb, and more—for interviews, speaking engagements, and other promotional purposes.

Select writing samples of recent and relevant work.

An (Infrequent) Literary newsletter
I only send e-mails when something really juicy is happening.

Let’s Be Pen Pals
pen pal | noun : a friend made and kept through correspondence
email: louiseclairejohnson@gmail.com
instagram: @louiseclairejohnson *mostly
twitter: louisejohnsonTO *sometimes
facebook: louiseclairejohnson *rarely
other places in cyberspace:
goodreads: louiseclairejohnson | behindthereddoor
podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | Instagram | Show Notes
youtube: louiseclairejohnson